Are you looking for a list of professionals, specific artisans, vendors in Nigeria? Then, our business repository can serve as a database to give you the answers you seek.
We can help you list your business on our business directory. One benefit of listing your business is to be easily found by customers in need of your services or goods.
Will you like your business listing to appear among those at the top in your category? If a barber pays for this, it means under the categoy of barbers, his business information would be seen first.
We can help you list your business on our business directory. One benefit of listing your business is to be easily found by customers in need of your services or goods.
If you want your business name and contact info to appear on google when people search for it, we can make that happen. See Examples here
At times though, it isn’t enough appearing on google, you may want to appear at the top 3 positions when certain keywords are used in a search. We can help with this too.
Do you need the contacts of the professionals on the platform on an excel Sheet? Then we can make this available for you. You may need to use it for bulk messaging. Regardless of the application, we can save you the time of contacting these businesses one by one.
You can list your business on Google with a free Business Profile (formerly Google My Business). This helps you Turn people who find you on Search and Maps into new customers. We can help you set up your profile if you don’t know how.
Our community comprises of different groups each categorized by the profession. So we have a group of graphics designers, one for Accountants, the list goes on. These groups help you broadcast advert messages to group members thereby saving you time in contacting them.
One of the best things about Facebook advertising is the ability to target your ads to specific demographics. You can choose to show your ads to people based on their age, gender, location, language, interest. We have experts on our team who help you with running your ads.
Instagram advertising can help you generate leads and move them down the funnel up to a conversion. It can also increase website traffic and grow your brand exposure because the platform offers ad tools to make your posts eye-catching and engaging.
Google ads shows your ads on Google search results pages and websites that are part of the Google Search and Display Networks. And you can track whether those people clicked your ads. Ads can also be targeted based on keywords, ads location, etc. See More Benefits
By using YouTube advertising, businesses can reach new audiences, engage with customers, and achieve their marketing goals in a cost-effective and measurable way.
With Twitter’s many ad types, a business can use various ads with different campaign objectives to design a campaign that would fit the business’s growth goals.
TikTok is quickly becoming the go-to platform for businesses looking to run marketing campaigns. One of the main advantages is the ability to set your own budget.
We help run linkedin ads so you can reach a more professional audience You can narrow your ads through industry-specific variables such as company name, company size, skill, degree type and name, Industry, etc.
In-app advertising is an effective monetization strategy for mobile publishers, in which app developers get paid to serve advertisements within their mobile app.
Banner ads are image-based advertisements that often appear in the side, top, and bottom sections of websites. Will you like to run banner ads on your website, or on any website?
SMS marketing allows you to schedule and broadcast customised messages to groups or individual recipients. It’s a great way to capture the attention of your target audience and to encourage an immediate response. We can help you with your bulk sms marketing regardless of the number of recipients.
Send a custom email to large groups of people at once to advertise the goods or services provided by your business or maintain a relationship with customers. When done right, it allows you to increase the number of loyal clients and boost ROI. Allow us run your email marketing so we do it right for you.
While Whatsapp discourages sending bulk messages to strangers, we definitely agree that Whatsapp is becoming the best platform to reach people instantly. We can help you beat all the traps set by Whatsapp algorithm to ban your account during your marketing campaign.
It should be noted that most of the listing information found on this website have not been verified. Thus, this information must be used at your risk. These listings are not verified at the moment because we do not currently have the manpower to cater to this necessary task. Simply put, we are not liable when you get mediocre services, fraudulent information, or get defrauded /scammed. Therefore, be careful!
In addition, if it comes to your notice that your business information or personal info has been posted without your consent, please feel free to contact us so we remove it. We wish to improve the condition of things in our country but not at the expense of anyone’s privacy.